CBD Topical Products

CBD has become very common that you can find CBD in your toothpaste, deodorant, hair serum, and many other products. The legitimization of cannabis has led to the regularization of hemp-infused supplements. After the legalization and wide acceptance of CBD products, there has been an upswing of CBD topical products. You can find CBD-induced creams, moisturizers, lubricants, suppositories, gels, and many more. There are even products that are aimed at boosting your sexual wellness.

Cannabidiol can have many applications in your bedroom and this can range from alleviating pain to managing your hormone levels. Also, CBD may increase your libido. Let us see how CBD products can improve your sex life.

Help Alleviate Pain 

The analgesic properties of CBD are well known. It can be effectively used to ease pain and in terms of sex, it can be helpful to many women out there. Dyspareunia is the term used to refer to problems and disorders that lead to painful sex. Dyspareunia keeps as much as 40% of women from enjoying sexual pleasure and intimacy. There are numerous routines in which CBD topical products can help. CBD suppositories and lubricants can improve blood flow which can enhance pleasure. This is because increased blood flow can result in more lubrication and sensation as it can ease tension and relax smooth muscles.

Help Achieve Orgasm 

If orgasm is slightly out of reach for you, then you can try CBD products. A review paper published in 2019 showed that cannabis products led to satisfying and longer orgasm. This is because CBD can increase nerve sensation and improve the flow of blood to the tissues, both of which can make sex more pleasurable and intensifies the feeling of orgasm. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that applying CBD-infused lubricants to the genitalia can increase the flow of blood to the area. The increase in blood flow can increase sexual arousal and orgasm.

Decreased Stress, Increased Libido 

When you are anxious or stressed out, you might not have any interest in sex. This is also backed up by science. Studies show that increased levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, can decrease your libido. CBD can help reduce anxiety and this can be especially helpful for those who are suffering from sexual performance anxiety. The reduction in the levels of cortisol and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system can help you reach a more receptive, restful, and sensually supportive state. Therefore, the anxiolytic benefits of CBD can be a potential solution for decreased libido.