CBD Topicals

Cannabis products have been used in medical treatments since time immemorial due to its medical benefits that bring longevity. Besides, cannabis plants are robust such that they can grow in a wide variety of environmental conditions requiring minimal care. This makes them available throughout a year. The non-psychotropic cannabinoid, cannabidiol was discovered in the modern age and it is found to possess a wide variety of medical benefits. With the mounting number of evidence for these benefits from scientific studies, it was finally legalised at the federal level in the US with the Farm Act of 2018. Since then, one of the cannabidiol’s popular applications is the use of CBD oil in CBD topical products; so, how is CBD oil useful as a topical ingredient?

CBD Oil For Anti Ageing

The CBD oil is produced from the hemp plant and it contains all the phytocannabinoids found in the plant. The anti-ageing property of it is due to multiple reasons and the most important one is that it is rich in antioxidants. These help to negate the oxidative stress from free radicals and pollutants from the environment that causes cell damage and improves skin’s regeneration capacity. Next, it is rich in fatty acids and essential oils that help to improve the moisture retention of skin as well as improve the decreasing collagen levels of skin that is essential for a firm skin. So, using creams or topical made from CBD oil on a daily basis as part of a skincare regimen will help to slow down the process of ageing.

CBD Oil For Sensitive And Dry Skin

CBD oil is known to be dermatologically suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. For such people, skincare products that contain chemicals cause irritation and redness, and they are prone to skin infections. CBD oil is useful because the richness in essential oils, as well as cannabidiols anti-inflammatory property, helps to soothe the skin. Besides, CBD’s antibacterial property helps to increase the resistance against infection for people with sensitive skin. Hence using pure CBD oil-infused topical daily helps to reduce skin sensitivity issues for people. Last but not least, as it has very minimal side effects it is better than regular skincare products.

Due to the perfect balance of nutrients, using CBD topical moisturises and nourishes dry skin as well as reduces itchiness. So, it prevents peeling of skin, cracks, rough patches and makes the skin softer. Also, the anti-inflammatory and moisturising property helps faster healing of dry skin.

CBD Oil For Acne

Acne is a very common problem that is more prevalent in teenagers, however, it also happens in older people as well. It is due to the excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, poor skincare, diet and hormonal imbalance in teenagers. The acne breakouts are basically skin inflammation problems and the anti-inflammatory property of cannabidiol is useful in treating it. Using CBD oil-infused skincare creams helps to reduce the inflammation due to breakouts. Besides, its antibacterial property as well as reducing the secretion of sebaceous gland helps to manage and prevent the formation of acne. Apart from this, it improves skin health and healing capacity of skin thereby bringing a glow to the skin. If you want the maximum effect then using a CBD isolate infused CBD topical product will be useful as it is 99% pure cannabidiol.

Consuming CBD Oil For Skin Care

Besides using CBD oil as a topical, consuming it also helps in skincare as it enhances the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of our body. As mentioned earlier, the CBD oil being rich in antioxidants helps to get rid of the free radicals that are harmful to the body. Also, the cannabidiols stress-reducing effect is useful in preventing ageing, this is because stress causes rapid ageing in people. The other benefit is, it reduces skin inflammations due to its anti-inflammatory effect. CBD oil is rich in omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids that gives healthy and young-looking skin, and the presence of Vitamin D and E helps in the nutrition of skin cells that gives its elasticity. Besides, the rich amount of essential fatty acids is an important factor for its anti-ageing effects as they are important for building proteins.

CBD Oil In Other Topical Products

Apart from skincare products, pure CBD oil is used for producing other topical products such as pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory balms and ointments. They produce a localised effect and it is due to CBD’s effect on the endocannabinoid receptors on the skin. They give quick pain relief and give long-lasting effect when applied at regular intervals of time. Besides, they are a better herbal alternative for regular products.

Due to these benefits of CBD topical and because of their rising popularity, more people are using it as part of their lifestyle routine.