CBD For Anxiety

Nowadays, CBD is the go-to remedy for people suffering from anxiety and depression. Numerous studies conducted all over the world have proven that CBD has anti-anxiety effects, which will be beneficial in the treatment of PTSD, SAD, GAD, panic attacks, etc. The cannabis plant, where CBD is derived, is also helpful in keeping you calm and relaxed. However, not all cannabis may help with anxiety management.

Only certain cannabis strains can help in managing anxiety. Cannabis strains that are rich in THC may worsen your anxiety symptoms. Since studies on CBD for anxiety are showing positive results, cannabis strains rich in CBD are the best options for you.

Here are some of the high-CBD cannabis strains that can help in alleviating anxiety disorders.


Harle-Tsu is an award-winning strain that has a CBD content of roughly 13%, although it frequently tests much more. At the 2014 Emerald Cup, it was crowned best CBD flower. It had 21.05 % CBD and 0.86 % THC, according to lab test results. This proportion makes it a popular choice for folks who want to reduce anxiety while also improving their mood and concentration.


If you are looking to manage your stress, anxiety, and pain without getting any euphoric sensation, then ACDC is a great option. This strain has 14 % of CBD and almost no THC. That means, if you want a THC-free CBD strain, then ACDC is the best option you have. According to some reviews, users of this strain use the terms “relaxed” and “happy” to describe its effects.

Charlotte’s Web

One of the most well-known high-CBD strains. It has a CBD content of roughly 13% and minimal to no THC. It’s found in a variety of healthcare products that are designed to alleviate anxiety, chronic pain, and depression without causing any euphoric sensations.


The CBD and THC content in this high-CBD strain is 16 % and 1 % respectively. According to several user feedback, it tested at roughly 20% CBD. People love it for its calming effect that doesn’t completely knock you out, despite its harsh smoke and aroma.

Sour Tsunami

This fan-favorite CBD strain is one of the very first CBD strains to be cultivated. It is estimated that the CBD content in Sour Tsunami is around 13 % and the THC content to be around 1 %. Users of this high-CBD strain say that they feel cheerful and calm without the “heavy body” sensation.