How Zoloft And Cannabidiol May Interact?

CBD Drug Interactions List
CBD Drug Interactions List
CBD Drug Interactions List
CBD Drug Interactions List

Almost every substance that you orally consume should pass through your liver and then the rest of the body. When a major part of detoxification happens, the liver can biochemically change most substances. In this process, a group of enzymes called CYTP450 can break down many food components, supplements, and drugs.

Some drugs, supplements, and food components can also impact the CYTP450 enzyme family. If a substance inhibits any of those enzymes, the blood would have a higher level of another substance that the enzyme generally metabolizes and it would last more time than expected. It can contribute to not only adverse effects but also that substance failing to work as it should.

Conversely, if a substance boosts the enzyme, the quantity of another substance that the enzyme usually metabolizes would be lower and it would last shorter than expected. Cannabidiol and Zoloft can also interact with your CYTP450 enzymes. If you consume cannabidiol and Zoloft together, it could make you more in danger of experiencing side effects as it would mean more Zoloft content in your body.

Look for a CBD drug interactions list, and you may find the name of Zoloft in it. Consuming cannabidiol and Zoloft simultaneously can make it more likely for you to not only experience confusion and drowsiness but also have difficulty focusing and moving multiple parts of your body.

What does it mean for you? It usually means that when you use sertraline and cannabidiol, you can be drowsier, clumsier, and more confused than you are likely to get with one of those substances.

Cannabidiol And Other Antidepressant Medication Types

CBD oil and SSRI interaction is not limited to Zoloft alone. That is to say, cannabidiol can interact with citalopram, Fluoxetine, Escitalopram, Paroxetine, and any other form of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Cannabidiol And Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

Can you consume other antidepressants like SNRIs and cannabidiol at the same time? Cannabidiol can interact moderately with SNRI drugs, putting you more in danger of feeling negative effects such as drowsiness, difficulty focusing, and dizziness. Atomoxetine, Duloxetine, Desvenlafaxine, Milnacipran, Levomilnacipran, and Venlafaxine are among the SNRI types.

So, to answer the above question, consuming cannabidiol with your existing antidepressant medication means that you are likely to increase your side effect possibility. Hence, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor before you work cannabidiol into your antidepressant regimen as a safety precaution.