CBD To Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that results in the rapid buildup of cells on our skin. The rapidly built up cells cause scaling on the skin surface and these scales are often marked by redness and inflammation around it.

CBD is a therapeutic cannabinoid that has applications in various therapeutic sectors including the skincare sector. In this article, we are attempting to explore the potential of CBD in handling the symptoms of psoriasis.

What Is Psoriasis?

As mentioned in the introduction, psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. The scales formed on the skin of people with psoriasis are whitish-silver in color and the patients also develop red patches of thick skin. In some cases, the patches may even crack and bleed.

Psoriasis is caused by the abnormally rapid production of skin cells. The skin cells grow in the deeper layers of the skin and once the growth is completed, they rise to the surface of the skin as new skin cells. They eventually fall off after a certain time period. The normal time period of this cycle is one month.

In people with psoriasis, the production of new skin cells happens within a few days and the older skin cells do not get time to fall off. This results in the buildup of skin cells characteristic of the condition.

Scales can develop on any parts of the body including:

  • Hands
  • Elbow
  • Knee
  • Neck
  • Scalp
  • Face s

What Are The Different Types Of Psoriasis?

Five different types of psoriasis are:

Plaque Psoriasis

This is the most common type of psoriasis. According to the report of the American Academy of Dermatology, about 80% of people with psoriasis are affected by plaque psoriasis. This condition causes red patches of skin that are covered oftentimes with whitish-silver scales. Elbows, scalp, and the knees are the common body parts where the plaque usually appears.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that is mostly reported among adults. The condition causes wide areas of red inflamed skin and pus-filled blisters. The symptoms are usually noticed in smaller areas of the body including hands and feet but they may extend to more body parts in some cases.

Guttate Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis is more commonly seen in children and leads to small pink spots on the skin. The torso, legs, and arms are the body parts where the symptoms are usually noticed.

Inverse Psoriasis

It causes bright red areas of shiny red inflamed skin.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

It is a very rare type of psoriasis and is considered a severe form of psoriasis. Erythrodermic psoriasis covers large parts of the body and makes the skin look as if it got sunburned. The scales shed off as large sheets.

This type of psoriasis can be life-threatening and individuals who notice symptoms resembling that of erythrodermic psoriasis are advised to seek medical attention at the earliest.

What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis symptoms seem to vary from person to person and are also influenced by the type of psoriasis. Sometimes the flakes cover a small part of the body while at other times, they cover a major portion of the skin.

The common symptoms associated with plaque psoriasis are:

  • Dry skin that may crack and bleed
  • Itching and burning sensation around the skin patches
  • Red patches on the skin
  • Silver scales on the red patches
  • Swelling and pain in the joints
  • Thick pitted nails
  • soreness around the patches on the skin

The symptoms experienced by every person will not be the same. In less common types of psoriasis, the symptoms are often very different from that of other psoriasis types.

How Is CBD Useful In Treating Psoriasis?

As psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, influencing the functioning of the immune system can be beneficial in the treatment of the same. CBD is known to generate all of its therapeutic effects by interacting with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system and influencing their responses.

The endocannabinoid system plays a significant role in the proliferation, differentiation, and death of our skin cells. This feature explains the role of CBD in handling conditions related to skin.

Inflammation of the skin is common in psoriasis. CBD is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties that prove useful in handling the typical inflammatory responses associated with psoriasis.

Many studies conducted to find the effectiveness of CBD in psoriasis treatment are coming up with promising results. A 2017 study found that cannabinoids like CBD slowed down the division and growth of skin cells that are involved in psoriatic skin rashes.

Another study conducted in 2019 on a small scale found that applying CBD-infused ointment on the skin of psoriasis patients reduced the typical symptoms of the condition.

If you are choosing CBD topicals to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, make sure you get the best quality products. Products of poor quality cannot offer the results promised on the label.